Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Pros and Cons of MLM

The Cons:

  • The mention of MLM often brings with it certain negative connotations of sinister behavior. This means that because of the questionable and sometimes downright immoral behavior of others in MLM, initially you may feel you are on the defense rather than offering a business opportunity.
I don't know why this is the case, since in the Corporate Business world there is even more corruption and it doesn't seem to be an objection. Maybe the reason is because MLM gives people more hope since it is more affordable to start.
  • Many people who join MLM companies tend to think it is some kind of a get rich quick scheme where they can pay the initial fee and magically the money will come to them and they will live happily ever after.
  • Some who are in MLM think of it as a job and they want to be able to just show up and be told what to do and then collect their check.
  • Success with a Network Marketing company takes hard work and commitment in the beginning. Because the results are not often immediate, many people quit before they have attained success. This contributes to the bad reputation.
In the corporate world when people quit, usually the people are considered quitters and losers. In the network marketing world, for some reason, the industry is blamed for being a scam.
  • Beginning networkers are sometimes not willing to invest in the training necessary to develop their skills. This creates a longer learning curve, which causes discouragement that is not necessary.
The Pros:
  • It is possible to attain the same success as a franchise owner or corporate executive for a comparatively minimal financial start up.
  • The income achieved at the point of success is residual, so that your months of hard work pay off for years to come
  • If you are coachable, take action and don't quit, you will succeed.
  • The environment is very positive. Your upline wants to help you succeed and encourages you along the way.
  • Training is readily available
  • The potential amount of income for the average person is considerably higher than at any other job or business.
  • There is a higher quality of products or services in a reputable MLM company.
  • You have the benefit of being your own boss, setting your own hours and choosing who you work with along with the advantage of having the support of an entire company behind you

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Courage to Believe

“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.” Bruce Barton

The truth of this quote is felt deeply by those who experience it. To others it may be a lofty idea that has a nice some day feel to it.

What do you believe? What is inside of you? Where is your courage? What splendid thing have you, are you and will you achieve?

To know this is to know the answer ~ to many of life's questions.

B. Liss